GrandparentsJones John Columbus
Waller Sarah Katherine
Reed Thomas
Gamble Elizabeth
ParentsJones James Monroe
Reed Florence Ona
 Jones Elizabeth Catherine
Waller Samual Carr (1)
ChildrenWaller Henry Clifton
Waller George Lester
Waller Major James
Waller Elmer Jones
Waller Sammie Houston
Waller William Lones
Waller Maxie Viola
Waller Florence May
Waller Nora Leota


GrandparentsJones James Monroe
Reed Florence Ona
Waller George Monroe (2)
Reid Sarah Ann (3)
ParentsJones Henry Houston
Waller Catharine Butler
 Jones Florence Sallie
Jackson David Earl
ChildrenJackson Mary Kathleen


GrandparentsHolt Joel
Phipps Elizabeth
ParentsJones John
Holt Matilda
 Jones George Gallaher


GrandparentsJones James Monroe
Reed Florence Ona
Waller George Monroe (2)
Reid Sarah Ann (3)
ParentsJones Henry Houston
Waller Catharine Butler
 Jones Henry Houston


GrandparentsJones John Columbus
Waller Sarah Katherine
Reed Thomas
Gamble Elizabeth
ParentsJones James Monroe
Reed Florence Ona
 Jones Henry Houston
Waller Catharine Butler
ChildrenJones Florence Sallie
Jones Henry Houston


GrandparentsWaller John Barksdale
Pickel Katherine
ParentsJones William Jackson
Waller Amanda Savannah
 Jones Ida Lee


GrandparentsJones John Columbus
Waller Sarah Katherine
Roberts Edward Carrol
Cofer Harriet
ParentsJones Edmund Franklin
Roberts Emma
 Jones J Boyd
Roberts Mary Emma


GrandparentsJones James Monroe
Reed Florence Ona
Freels William Austin
Holloway Anna Boleyn
ParentsJones John Boyd
Freels Sally Lucielle
 Jones James Edward


GrandparentsHolt Joel
Phipps Elizabeth
ParentsJones John
Holt Matilda
 Jones James Madison


GrandparentsJones John Columbus
Waller Sarah Katherine
ParentsJones James Monroe
Goldston Elizabeth
 Jones James Monroe
Varni Agnes Dolores


GrandparentsJones John
Holt Matilda
Waller John Barksdale
Pickel Katherine
ParentsJones John Columbus
Waller Sarah Katherine
 Jones James Monroe
Reed Florence Ona
Goldston Elizabeth
ChildrenJones William Waller
Jones Elizabeth Catherine
Jones John Boyd
Jones Henry Houston
Jones Mary Sonora
Jones James Monroe
Jones Naomi


GrandparentsJones John
Holt Matilda
Waller John Barksdale
Pickel Katherine
ParentsJones John Columbus
Waller Sarah Katherine
 Jones John Barksdale
Hall Margaret


GrandparentsJones John Columbus
Waller Sarah Katherine
Reed Thomas
Gamble Elizabeth
ParentsJones James Monroe
Reed Florence Ona
 Jones John Boyd
Freels Sally Lucielle
ChildrenJones Johnnie Clarice
Jones Anna Ruth
Jones James Edward
Jones Laura Elizabeth
Jones Sallie Gene
Jones Mary Evelyn


GrandparentsHolt Joel
Phipps Elizabeth
ParentsJones John
Holt Matilda
 Jones John Columbus
Waller Sarah Katherine
ChildrenJones James Monroe
Jones Laura Etta
Jones Lany E
Jones Edmund Franklin
Jones Matilda Katherine
Jones John Barksdale
Jones Nora C
Jones Savannah Amanda
Jones Samuel Houston
Jones Sonora M
Jones Nancy Janie
Jones Charles Milton


GrandparentsJones Edmund Franklin
Roberts Emma
ParentsJones Milton Roberts
Black Anna Maude
 Jones John Paul
Cox Clara Louise


 Jones John
Holt Matilda
ChildrenJones Joel A
Jones John Columbus
Jones James Madison
Jones Sarah E
Jones Samuel Houston
Jones Peter S
Jones George Gallaher
Jones William J
Jones Hamilton A
Jones Joseph Black


GrandparentsJones James Monroe
Reed Florence Ona
Freels William Austin
Holloway Anna Boleyn
ParentsJones John Boyd
Freels Sally Lucielle
 Jones Johnnie Clarice
Britain David J


GrandparentsHolt Joel
Phipps Elizabeth
ParentsJones John
Holt Matilda
 Jones Joseph Black


GrandparentsJones John
Holt Matilda
Waller John Barksdale
Pickel Katherine
ParentsJones John Columbus
Waller Sarah Katherine
 Jones Laura Etta


GrandparentsJones James Monroe
Reed Florence Ona
Waller George Monroe (2)
Reid Sarah Ann (3)
ParentsJones William Waller
Waller Maude King
 Jones Mary Lou
Wilson John Cornelius


GrandparentsJones John Columbus
Waller Sarah Katherine
ParentsJones James Monroe
Goldston Elizabeth
 Jones Mary Sonora


GrandparentsJones John
Holt Matilda
Waller John Barksdale
Pickel Katherine
ParentsJones John Columbus
Waller Sarah Katherine
 Jones Matilda Katherine
Eldridge James Harrison


GrandparentsJones John Columbus
Waller Sarah Katherine
Roberts Edward Carrol
Cofer Harriet
ParentsJones Edmund Franklin
Roberts Emma
 Jones Milton Roberts
Black Anna Maude
ChildrenJones Charles Franklin
Jones John Paul
Jones Pauline


GrandparentsJones John
Holt Matilda
Waller John Barksdale
Pickel Katherine
ParentsJones John Columbus
Waller Sarah Katherine
 Jones Nancy Janie
Eblen James Gustavus


GrandparentsJones John
Holt Matilda
Waller John Barksdale
Pickel Katherine
ParentsJones John Columbus
Waller Sarah Katherine
 Jones Nora C
Davis James H


GrandparentsJones Edmund Franklin
Roberts Emma
ParentsJones Milton Roberts
Black Anna Maude
 Jones Pauline


GrandparentsHolt Joel
Phipps Elizabeth
ParentsJones John
Holt Matilda
 Jones Peter S


GrandparentsJones James Monroe
Reed Florence Ona
Waller George Monroe (2)
Reid Sarah Ann (3)
ParentsJones William Waller
Waller Maude King
 Jones Roy Harold


GrandparentsJones James Monroe
Reed Florence Ona
Freels William Austin
Holloway Anna Boleyn
ParentsJones John Boyd
Freels Sally Lucielle
 Jones Sallie Gene


 Jones Sallie
Waller James Franklin
ChildrenWaller Margaret J
Waller Anie J
Waller Edward C


GrandparentsJones John
Holt Matilda
Waller John Barksdale
Pickel Katherine
ParentsJones John Columbus
Waller Sarah Katherine
 Jones Samuel Houston
Miller Martha Marie Elizabeth
ChildrenJones Samuel Houston
Jones Garlan


GrandparentsJones John Columbus
Waller Sarah Katherine
Miller August
Pagel Anna
ParentsJones Samuel Houston
Miller Martha Marie Elizabeth
 Jones Samuel Houston
Lyons Vivian


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